Dragon short film production created by Christina Fletcher, Davis Jay Harris, John McLean, Evan Mouton, Karina Ortiz, Nicole Palmer, Ethan Pflugh, Zachary Stetter, and Haley Thomas,
Dragon Senior Short Production
The senior course at the University of Colorado Denver is comprised of a production across two semesters in order to test student's knowledge of a production pipeline. This production also simulates the collaborative nature of a real production within a studio. These blog posts will outline my work on the project as well as my techniques, reasoning, and workflow behind any given task.
The Dragon project has been one of the most important projects if not the most important project I've ever worked on. I cannot describe how much this experience has taught me, or how much I've grown as an artist because of it. I feel this project has pushed me so far past what I thought I was capable of and I'm incredibly grateful to have had such an amazing team to work alongside. I won't lie, this project isn't perfect. But I am incredibly proud of what we were able to accomplish over 2 and a half semesters. I now know so much more about how to work collaboratively and I've honed skills I didn't even knew I had.
Thank you to everyone who supported us and a big thank you to my classmates who worked alongside me. I know it's been a hard road, but I'm proud of what we were able to accomplish.
All work done by John McLean unless credited otherwise.